Twitterのホームが今週、リニューアルされるかもしれません。CNET Newsに掲載された記事によると今回のリニューアルにより、「tweet」とは何かがより直感的に分かるようになるとのこと。
“You can try (Twitter) out without having to sign up, so you can get an idea of what Twitter is before you use it,” Twitter co-founder Biz Stone told AllThingsD. “We need to do a better job of explaining ourselves to people who hear about us and then have no idea what do to.”
via Twitter to revamp home page for the masses | The Social – CNET News
Getting a “real” home page could also be key for future revenue opportunities on Twitter’s end. The site is so lightweight that many avid users rarely access it at all, instead using third-party clients like Twhirl or TweetDeck.
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